Manage All Your Finances On Our Site!
Account Aggregation
FSB has partnered with MoneyDesktop™, to provide our online banking customers the ability to aggregate all of their various financial accounts in one place. Within minutes of a simple one-time set up, you will be able to visualize and interact with all your financial data. This includes accounts from other fiancial institutions, credit cards with various stores, retirement accounts from different brokers and more... Don't have an online account? Enroll Now!
Bubble Budgets
Create relative budgets based off your actual spending history, income, debts, and expenses. Visualize and interact with your budgets in new and meaningful ways. Since not all budgets are created equal, using circles or bubbles to represent budgets allows you to quickly identify budgets that need the most attention.
Expense Tracking
MoneyDesktop automatically categorizes and tracks spending from your various financial accounts, allowing you to get powerful insights on where, when, and how you spend. No more cumbersome spreadsheets and book keeping - MoneyDesktop learns your spending behaviors and does the work for you.